Kids arrived with their wallets full of Bible Bucks. More bucks were added as they said their Bible Memory Verses! Had one student who already learned all SEVEN verses!!! Way to go Britney M! This week their Bible Memory Verses worth worth two Bible Bucks per verse if they remembered to cut out the coupon in last week's Garden Gazette.
Once the kids were signed in, they came to the craft table. This week we made beaded snakes. It is always fun to see everyone make the same craft, yet each one is so different. I send a huge thank you to the Hebron Sewing Circle and Donna T for donating all the beads.
After they were finished with their craft, the kids could play gaga ball, nine square in the air and/or build with Legoes.
Then it was Bible Time. Our Bible Memory Verse this week is 2 Corinthians 5:21. We learned this to the tune of "Yankee Doodle". Then we passes a small Bible around while we said the verse. If a boy ended up holding the Bible when we reached the end of the verse, then the boys had to all stand an say the verse (with motions). If a girl, then the girls had to say the verse. It was funny to watch them as they tried to make sure the other team had the Bible at the end.
Today's Bible Lesson came from Genesis 2-3. We looked into the reason God's perfect earth is no longer perfect. By the end of the Lesson, the kids learned that sin has consequences - death: death of a relationship between us and God, physical death (as our bodies grow old and die) and spiritual death (our souls being thrown into the Lake of fire). Yet, on the same day sin entered the world (and with it death), God began to revel His plan to save us from spiritual death. He told Adam & Eve that someday a man (born from a woman) would come and defeat Satan (that serpent from the Garden) and therefore provide a way for our sins to be forgiven.
This week during Group Game Time, we played a game called Hula Huts. Each team had three members and six hula hoops. One member played guard. He had to try to deflect the balls from hitting his hula hut. One member was the thrower. He tried to throw the balls knocking down another team's hula hut. The other member retrieved the thrown balls. When your hula hut was knocked down, your whole team had to rebuilt it before returning to each person's position. The kids really enjoyed this game. Probably the funniest thing that happened during this game was when I emptied the balls onto the Campbelltown UC parking lot and they quickly rolled down the alley! All my adult helpers were frantically chasing balls, while the kids played. I only lost one ball at Campbelltown.
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