Thursday, July 9, 2020

Week 3: Moses Trusts God

Hot and Sticky + Snakes and Parachutes + Watermelon and Icees +  Moses and the Israelites + And lots and lots of kids = Week 3 of Backyard Bible Club 2020

This week we made Popsicle snakes.  The kids did a great job decorating their snakes and then putting them together.  I love seeing how each one decorated their snakes so differently.  
After the kids finished their snakes, they could play gaga ball, 4 square in the air, with legos, PVC pipes (or as one kid calls them ABC pipes) or with the plastic animals.  Even though it was very hot this week, they sure like to play with their friends!  
During Bible Time, we sang our 7 Bible verses.  This week's verse was Proverbs 3:5-6.  For our Memory Verse Game, I would have one kid "put their nose to the wall"  Two actually obeyed!  Then another kid would point to a word in the verse.  We would repeat the verse clapping for the selected word.  Then the kid with "his nose to the wall" would try to guess the skipped word.  
I used the story sticks to share with the kids how Moses and the Israelites had to decide if they were going to trust God when life got hard (Exodus 4-6).  At first the Israelites trusted God when He told them that He was going to free them from slavery.  But when things got worst instead of better, they were quick to blame Moses, God's spokesperson.  In contrast, when the situation didn't go like Moses had expected, the when right to God with his concerns.  He choose to trust God. I told the kids that the decision to trust God is a daily decision.  It is easy to trust when things are going right.  But do they trust Him when life seems to crumble?  This was a good lesson for them and me.  

Then it was snack and game time!  When one of the other boys saw the parachute laid out, he commented, "Parachutes!  That is a first grader game."  But he and the others sure seemed to enjoy the parachute games we played!  

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