When the kids arrived this week, they could go to the craft table, LEGO Bag or play 4 square in the air. I laughed to see the Newmanstown kids trying to bounce the ball as they attempted to play 4 square in the grass. I guess they had never seen 4 square in the air. Quickly, I explained the rules (it is like playing 4 square and volleyball). It was fun to see how quickly they fell in love with the new game. (Unfortunately, I forgot to get pictures of them playing the game). This week for a craft we made a small plague.
Our Bible lesson was taken from Genesis 21-22. God gave Abraham a hard test to see if he would obey Him even when it was hard (and didn't make sense). God asked him to go to Mt Moriah and kill his beloved son Isaac as a gift to God. This was the same son, who God had promised would be born to Abraham and Sarah. God had told Abraham that Isaac would receive the same three amazing promised that Abraham received. So, now God was asking Abraham to kill him? Would Abraham obey? Abraham packed his bags. He and Isaac began the journey to Mt Moriah. Abraham didn't know how God was going to keep His promise to him and Isaac if Isaac was dead, but he decided to trust God anyway. Just when he was about to thrust the knife into his beloved son, God called out and told him to stop. Abraham passed the test! Not only that, but God provided a substitute, a ram, to be offered instead of Isaac. Many years later, Jesus died on the same Mountain as our substitute. We have an amazing God.
To introduce our Bible Verse, I asked for three volunteers to act out a story while I read it. The young prince rescued a young girl who had fallen into a pit full of deadly snakes. Unfortunately, in the rescue the prince received a snake bite. The girl was saved because the prince was willing to give up his life for her. In this week's Bible verse, Jesus is like that prince. For our Bible Verse Game, we played pass the gift as we quoted 1 John 4:14. Whoever was holding the gift when we finished got to open one box. We kept doing this until the last box was opened. They kids enjoyed the candy that was in the last box.
This week we played a number of water games! Some got very wet. Others not so much. I surprisingly didn't get wet at all! I am sure on the next water week, I will not be so fortunate.
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