Week 1 @ BBC got off to a great start! Sixty-two kids join this years Backyard Bible Clubs. After sign in, they could play gaga ball or sew a game bag. The game bag was a little difficult for many of the kids. We had a lot of tangled yarn. Had to rip out and re-sew a number of times. BUT, everyone eventually FINISHED a bag! Yeah!

This year's theme song is "The Bible Train Express". It is a cool song. As we sing the Books of the Bible, it sounds like a train is leaving the station, traveling down the tracks, and arriving at another station. Hopefully, we will all learn the books of the Bible before summer ends.
This week's Bible Memory Verse was 2 Timothy 3:16-17. We threw the Memory Verse Action Die to review the verse. The kids loved when the dice landed on "Fast forward while marching." I always needed at least three breaths to say the verse!

Our Bible Lesson was taken from Jeremiah 36. The Lord told Jeremiah to write His words down on a scroll. But when King Jehoiakim heard the Lord's words, he cut the scroll into pieces and burned it! (Oh, No!) Even though the king tried to destroy God's words, God made sure His words were preserved (protected from loss). He did this by having Jeremiah write a new scroll.
We learned that the Bible is God's true message to us. The Bible shows us who God is and what He requires from us. Therefore we must believe it and respect it.

We played a review game called "The King says." When a kid answered a question correctly, he earned 1,000 points AND got to choose a King Says card for more points. If his team completed the command on the card, they earned more points.
We also had snacks and played octopus tag and/or wrist band tag. I didn't get any pictures of group game time this week. I must find a new photographer since my one from last year got married in June.
This kids received their first sticker for their wallets. (see below) Each week, they will receive a new sticker.
Had a good first week. I am looking forward to next week, when we will play a lot of water relays! It is suppose to be an extremely hot week here in PA.
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