This week at club, we learned that God wants us to tell others about Him even when it is hard. Last week, we had left Barnabas in Jerusalem and Saul/Paul in Tarsus. The church in Jerusalem heard a large number of people in Antioch were coming to put their trust in Jesus. So they sent Barnabas to check out the situation. Barnabas found many new believers in Jesus. He realized quickly that he needed help to teach these new believers about Jesus. So he went to Tarsus to get Paul to help him. They spent a year in Antioch.
One day as Barnabas, Saul and three other church leaders in Antioch were praying God, the Spirit, told them "to set Barnabas and Saul apart for the work that God had for them to do." So the church in Antioch prayed and sent them on their way.
In the city of Paphos, they met a Jewish man who was the governor's helper. His name was Elymas. When the governor of Cyprus sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear their message, Elymas tried to convince the governor not to put his trust in Jesus. Paul then turned to Elymas and inflicted temporary blindness on him. Seeing this miracle, the governor decided to put his trust in Jesus. Satan, God's enemy, doesn't want anyone to hear and believe the gospel. But Jesus has given you (like he did Paul) power to tell others of Him.
Next Paul and Barnabas sailed for Perga. From their they traveled to Pisidia Antioch. Everywhere they went they shared the gospel to whoever would listen. Because the Jews in Pisidia Anioch were jealous of Paul and Barnabas' popularity they first argued with them and finally tried to hurt them. Paul and Barnabas left and went to Iconium. And then to Lystra.
After Paul and Barnabas arrived in Lystra, a man who never walked in his life believed in Jesus and was healed. The crowd seeing this miracle, believed Paul and Barnabas were gods and tried to worship them. The crowd did not worship the true and living God. They didn't know or believe the good news of Jesus. After telling the crowd that "they are men just like them", Paul and Barnabas urged the crowd to turn to the true and living God - Jesus.
Stirred up by the jealous Jews from Pisidia Antioch and Iconium, the crowd turned from trying to worship Paul and Barnabas to stoning Paul. When they though Paul was dead they dragged his body outside the city. When the believers in Jesus gathered around Paul, he got up from the ground and walked back into the city of Lystra!
The next day, Paul and Barnabas continued onto Derbe. They didn't give up preaching the gospel. (God loves you. Jesus never sinned, but you have. Jesus died and rose again. You can put your trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. You can live for Jesus.) After Derbe. They went back through some of the towns they had recently been at and then sailed for Antioch. Returning to Antioch, they gave a detailed report of all God had done through them. Very likely Satan will try to stop you from telling others about Jesus. But God wants you to tell others about Him, even when it is hard! So be a Paul and Barnabas.
Here are some pictures of week 2.
Kids in line to go inside for Bible Time. See how hot and sweaty they are from playing gaga ball?
Because my South Annville Club is very large. I split the kids into two groups (K-3 and 4-6). Half the time the kids played Nine Square in the Air and half the time they played gaga ball. The younger kids enjoyed playing gaga ball. It was a much slower game than when the older kids played.
Soon it was time to for the kids to go to the Club Store.
And then club was over for another day. . .
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