Do you know that you are in a spiritual battle? Satan, God's enemy, doesn't want you to follow God. At times the battle is fierce. But God is always in control. Sometimes God will put a shield around you so that nothing can hurt you. He did this for Paul after he first accepted Jesus as his Savior (i.e. when Paul's new friends lowered him in a basket to escape from Damascus). Sometimes God will fight the actual battle through you. Paul's confrontation with Elymas are an example of this (see Acts 13). And other times God will simply tell you to hold your position, stand steady and watch Him fight for you. In this week's Bible lesson, God fought for Paul through an unlikely source.
Seven Jewish brothers decided to try to mimic Paul. "Let's use Paul's name and His God to cast out evil spirits." they decided. So one day, a man controlled by an evil spirit came to them. "By the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches about, we command you evil spirit to come out!" they said.
The evil spirit answered, "Jesus I know. Paul I know, but who are you?" Then the man who was controlled by the evil spirit beat the seven brothers up. They were wounded. They barely escaped. And when they did, they left all their clothing behind!
Satan is always stronger than you and me. These seven Jewish brothers were trying to battle Satan by their own power. They lost. But in Matthew 28:19, Jesus says, "All power in heaven and earth are given to Me." Jesus is more powerful than Satan is. Paul was only able to cast out evil spirits and heal people through Jesus' power.
When the people of Ephesus heard what happened to these seven brothers, they feared the name of Jesus. Many who had followed Satan, turned to Jesus. When they did, they realized that they need to destroy anything that Satan could use to turn them away from following Jesus. So they had a huge bonfire. In the fire they threw their books about witchcraft, and special charms. Jesus had broken Satan's grip on many lives. He showed that He is more powerful than Satan is.
Paul wanted to go speak to the mob. But friends convinced him to not go. They were sure the mob would tear Paul to pieces. Paul was finally convinced to let God battle for him.
After two hours, a town clerk, who didn't believe in Jesus, stood up and told the crowd that Paul and his friends have done nothing wrong. If Demetrius and his friends have an issue against Paul, then they should go to the courts about it. Everyone else in the area are disturbing the peace. If they don't go home peacefully, then he would have to arrest them. The mob listened and went home.
God used this unbelieving town clerk to defend Paul. Once again Satan was defeated!
Here are some pictures of Week 4!
Many of the students earned 10 Bible Bucks for turning in a picture of last week's lesson. I loved seeing their drawing of Paul and Silas in jail.
This week, the kids made travel logs.
Wet 'n Wild was the theme of the games this week. We played the sponge relay.
Leaky Pipe was a huge success. The kids quickly discovered that putting one in charge and then listening to that person really made this activity a piece of cake.
Over-Under-Over relay was a lot of fun!
The kids did a fantastic job listening to the Bible lesson.
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