During Bible Time, we talked about who is good. I laughed when two of the younger kids from Campbelltown told me their older siblings were good. One group insisted I was good! Then we looked at what God's Word had to say about this subject. Romans 3:12 and Mark 10:18 shows us that No one is truly good all the time, except God. Then 1 Cor. 15:2-3 and 2 Cor. 5:21 tells us that Jesus took our sin when he died on the cross to not only forgive our sins but to make us right (good) in God's eyes. Finally, we looked at Romans 10:13. Here we discovered that it is only those who believe in Jesus (and what He did on the cross) that can be saved (made right).
The Bible Verse challenged focused on not giving up. Two kids were each given a bottle of water which they had to raise over their head and then drop them down for 50 times (100 for the other kids). The other kids counted for them. This group of kids really showed endurance. You could see that some were struggling to make 50 but they were determined not to give up. This tied into Hebrews 10:23, where the writer is challenges us to not give up our hope that God will do what He said He will do: welcome all those who believe in Jesus into heaven.
The Bible Lesson focused on Joseph as his time as a slave & prisoner (Genesis 39-41). I told the lesson using figure cut outs. The kids learned to say NO (and some times run away) when they are temped to do sin. They also learned that God is with them during the good and bad times.
We finished the club with WATER GAMES. Their favorite game is still Drip, Drip, Drop!
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