Then Wednesday arrived with BBC: Newmanstown in the morning and BBC: Jonestown in the evening AND the knowledge that our daughter Katelyn was being induced! When I got home from Jonestown, I was met by my husband with a HUGE smile and a picture of Trinity Rose who had finally made her appearance.
So what did we do in BBC this week? Well the kids weaved baskets, then had a chance to play gaga ball, build with Lego or PVC pipes.
Then it was Bible Time! We began to learn 7 Bible verse songs. Then, we discussed things that we worry about. I was able to share how I was worried about Katelyn and her delivery and the desire to have a healthy grand child. Then we looked at 1 Peter 5:6-7. This verse challenges us to throw our worries to God and let Him take care of them. It was great being able to pray with the kids about my worries over Katelyn. We played a game called "crazy stands up" to help them learn this verse.
I used story sticks to re-tell an event in history about a family who had a HUGE worry. The king has ordered that their baby boy be thrown into the Nile River (Exodus 1-2). We discovered God's incredible plan to save the baby from certain death.