Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Good Samaritan

View this week's video by clicking this link:  The Good Samaritan 
Don't forget to download the Crafts and Games for this lesson by clicking on the link to the right! 

Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Persistent Widow

Watch this week's lesson by clicking the link here:  The Persistent Widow
Then get the review game, notebook page, newspaper and a fun game to play by click on the link to the right under the "BBC Quarantined Edition: Crafts & Games" Heading.  Have fun! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Jesus and the Lepers

Did you know that wearing a mask  and staying away from people when you were sick was God's idea?  When God gave Moses the 10 commandments on Mt. Sinai, he also gave him instructions about sick people.  If they has leprosy (a skin sickness), they had to "cover the lower part of their faces" and live outside the camp (Leviticus 13:48-46).  Having leprosy meant you had a very lonely life.  But Jesus showed us that lepers were still loved by God.  Just like you are!

If you want to watch this lesson, click on this link:Jesus and the Lepers