I was very impresses with the kids singing this week. And many, many kids earned lots of Bible bucks for saying the Bible Memory Verses. It brings a smile to my face to hear the kids singing the Bible Verse Songs.
The Bible Lesson came from Genesis 6-9. Noah walked with God just like his great grandfather Enoch. This pleased God. So God told Noah that He was going to send a world-wide flood because mankind had become so wicked. Noah was to build a HUGE boat and load it with animals and food. As Noah build this boat, he preached to anyone who would listen. Unfortunately, no one listened to Noah. So in the end, only Noah and his family - 8 people - were saved from the flood. If only the people would have believed Noah and entered the door of the boat. Likewise, the only way we can be saved from Hell is by believing that Jesus, God the Son, died for our sins.
Today's Bible Memory Verse is Ephesians 2:8-9. The song is by Faith Weaver. I think is is called "It is by Grace".
After snack time, we played water games! Boy did the kids get wet.